It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Unexpected Gift

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to work right? My guess is that you have. Fridays are normally the day I take time to write articles for this ezine. Last Friday my computer wouldn’t work and today it’s still not working. (I am writing to you on my very old computer that takes 3 times as long to do anything).

I was slightly annoyed in that I couldn’t do what I wanted when I wanted to do it. Instead of listening to the little voice that says things like, “See, now your whole day is going to be wasted”, or “Those darn kids…..”, I choose to use the little voice management technique I wrote about last week. I said “STOP” to my own thoughts and chose to focus on something different.

I chose to look at my situation as an unexpected gift. The gift was wrapped in my computer. It’s funny how gifts come in the most bewildering packages. Last Friday I unwrapped my unforeseen (but much needed) day of relaxation. I read a few books; I took a nap and watched some mindless TV. What a treat! I was refreshed and ready to take on the world the next day!

Here are 4 suggestions to help with the unexpected.

  1. Look for your unexpected gift in a challenge, problem or obstacle that comes into your life in the next couple days.

  2. Choose to embrace that gift as something you really needed.

  3. Enjoy it!

  4. Blog about your unexpected gift so others can benefit from your experience too. Click below to add YOUR experience.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Little Voice Management: Gods Way

As Christians we need to be aware of the little voice we hear and where it is coming from. Is it God’s voice, your voice or the enemies? I want to address the little voice that does not come from God. It may sound like your own voice too but for today’s simplictic focus we are going to focus on the enemies little voice.

The enemies little voice is anything that you hear in your head that attacks you as a person such as:

“You are so stupid”
“You’ll never amount to anything”
“You can’t do that, who you do you think you are?”
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah………

These thoughts and opinions do NOT come from God and here’s why.
Reason #1 Romans 8:1
So now there is not condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

Reason#2 Galatians 2:20
My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me!

When we invite Jesus Christ into our life because we want him to guide and direct us, because we need him; he takes up residence inside of us. Our old self and old way of being is gone. God himself lives in us. Jesus Christ is perfect, whole and complete.

So any messages or little voices you hear inside that tear you down or attack your character; is not from God. God would not talk to his beloved son, Jesus that way. Because His son Jesus Christ lives in you, he doesn’t talk to you that way either!

When you hear these kind of voices, say or yell STOP. Somtimes you can say it inside your head and other times you may need to say it outloud. Make a conscious decision to stop that line of thinking because it’s not correct or true.

God’s voice may sound like this when he is addressing something in our life;

“You CAN do all things through Christ that lives within you!”
“Maybe you could talk to your husband of wife in a different way”
“You learned a lot from that situation, I wonder what you could do different next time”

You see, God only addresses our behavior not our character and who we are. My prayer for you is to hear God’s voice in the days to come!

Fully Alive,


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This commanding four letter word will change your life. I guarantee it. Saying “STOP” to yourself about the little voice that is trying to protect you can make a difference in your life.

We’ve been talking about the little voice in your head that keeps you safe and comfortable. It’s the part of your mind that watches out for you in day to day life situations and keeps you from taking risks. This little voice is driven by fear.

Blaire Singer’s Little Voice Management (LVM) technique #2 is to say or yell “STOP”. When your fearful little voice begins to take over and talks you our of doing what you want to do, need to do or what God’s will is in your life; say “STOP”. Recognize the voice, realize where it’s coming from and make a decision to not listen.

In some instances you may have to “yell” at yourself to stop the little voice from taking over. You might need to yell with the same tenacity you would use if your young child or grandchild was about run out into traffic. You and your life may need that kind of intensity and responsiveness. You, your dreams and goals are worth that effort.

Try it out! Next time you notice the little voice and it’s not supporting you; Yell STOP.

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