It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I’ve got all the time in the world. Do you?

A Reality Check
“I’ve got all the time in the world”. So I thought. When I heard these three words, “you have cancer” my world came to a screeching halt. A doctor spoke these words to my mother and our family in early July. She was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma; a cancer of the plasma of the white blood cells.

Since this diagnosis, my life has significantly changed. I thought I had a lot more time with my mom as she is only 69 years old. We were actually supposed to be in Italy this week to celebrate her 70th birthday that is coming up the end of this month. This trip was one of the things on her “bucket list”.

In the past few months, I have learned a great deal about myself and what is really important to me. I would like to share with you what I have learned in the next few issues of Living with Heart Fully Alive.

My mother’s terminal illness diagnosis permanently affected my life. Now, I know that seems really logical, but until it became a reality in my life I didn’t really grasp the ramifications it would have on my life.

It has helped me focus on what is truly important in my life; my family. I have given that “lip service” over the years but today I have consciously designed my life around my mom and my immediate family.

When an opportunity arises, I run the choice through the priority of family first. If it doesn’t support my family or it interferes with being available to my mother and her needs, I don’t do it.

So how can you apply this to your own life? Ask yourself, I mean really ask yourself, what is top priority in your life and why? The priority is what keeps you focused on the target (your goal) and the “why” of it all, is the bulls eye. Once you have determined what is top and I mean top priority, make a conscious decision to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

· Think about what your priorities are on a daily basis
· Run your daily decisions through the grid of, “Will this move me closer to what is priority” and remember “why” your priority is so significant to you. This will help keep you focused!
· Plan your days, weeks and months (if possible) around what’s important

Doing these things will help keep your life moving toward that which is important and create greater meaning and purpose in your life. I'm giving it a try, won't you?

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