It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Gotta have it!

I have a confession to make. In two separate weak moments, I placed orders for purchases that broke my own financial rules. The first item was a juicer that we didn’t need. The second was a hair product called the Flocker that was supposed to do wonderful things to your hair and make you look gorgeous. A name like the Flocker should have been a clue from the beginning!

I have a rule or guideline for myself that I do not buy from QVC, infomercials or any other “you gotta have this” opportunity advertised on TV. I broke my own principle that I had put in place for my own good.

On top of that, I broke an agreement with my husband. We had promised each other that, prior to purchasing anything over $100, we would discuss the purchase and make a decision together.

Needless to say, I sent both items back, at my own expense. Ouch! I paid for shipping twice.

As I step back and look at this situation, I see several opportunities to learn something. Here are a few interior financial questions I will ask myself in the future.

1. What emotion did I make the purchase from? (I was trying to please my daughters. Excitement, fun, joy and relief.)
2. What belief or money script did I say “yes” to? (It would make a quick, easy Christmas gift and make my shopping easier. My daughter said we had to have it; I agreed.)
3. Would this purchase endorse my values, dreams or goals? (I didn’t even ask myself this question. If I had done so, I'd have seen that clearly the purchase would not support my goals, nor did it fit into my spending plan. In addition, it violated a promise in our marriage.)

Next time you make a decision to buy something, ask yourself these three questions. It may save you the extra money and the embarrassment of buying something foolish that "you gotta have"!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Concious Finance Teleclass

Accelerate the rewards of living in financial consciousness by joining us for one of our scheduled tele-classes. Turn your dreams into reality by living a financially integrated life. Financial integration helps you achieve fulfillment and prosperity, going far deeper than just financial success.

Beginning: January 12th, 2006 - Ending: March 2, 2006
Conscious Finance 8 Session Book Study
Thursday Evenings at 7:00 pm EST
Tuition: Individuals - $395 Couples - $695

This tele-class will explore, expand, and deepen the life changing principles of Conscious Finance: Uncover Your Hidden Money Beliefs and Transform The Role of Money In Your Life, co-authored by Rick Kahler MS, CFP® and Laura Longville . Each week will consist of chapter readings from the book, exercises to help you incorporate what you are learning into your daily lives, and significant discussions encircled by a supportive environment to help you make lasting change.

The regular tuition is $395 for individuals and $695 for couples. Class size is limited to the first ten participants to sign up. A refundable deposit of $100 will hold your place until January 3rd, at which time full payment is due. Cancellations after January 3rd are non-refundable, but the tuition can be applied to a future class.

To register, contact Laura Longville at with "teleclass" in subject line.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Trees grow more than money!

Remember that old saying from childhood, "You know, money doesn't grow on trees?" Well I found that it does, when I look at what a small Christmas tree represents.

My family and friends went on an adventure looking for a Christmas tree a couple weeks ago. We were so energized for this day and my youngest daughter exclaimed, "my tummy is so excited." For my family, this tradition is the kick-off event of the Christmas season. It was a cold Sunday afternoon, around 20 degrees, with a cloud covered sky and wind blowing. We filled our stomachs with chili and off we went, bundled up and ready for our quest for the perfect tree.

We found a prime spot out in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, located our picture perfect tree and cut it down. All of our friends found their ideal tree too. We rejoiced together in our findings with hot chocolate and fellowship.

Guess what, it cost each family only $8 for such a remarkable time together. When I think of what that little tree gives to us, it's priceless. The whole tradition is about our unconditional love for one another, togetherness and commitment as a family and shared values, dreams and goals. As we decorated our tree with each hand made ornament, memories emerged and each recollection was cherished only because of the person who gave each special ornament.

As I stand back today and look at our tree full of special memories, perfectly placed twinkling lights and the first wrapped presents, I am reminded that money can't buy those memories. Our tree lavishes us with so much more. Money can buy us things which we need or want, but money can't buy us happiness, contentment or savored memories. Our tree grows more than money; it grows lasing and meaningful memories. I pray you find a tree that grows more than money.