"Someday I'll.."

Did you know there really are 8 days in a week?
1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday
4. Thursday
5. Friday
6. Saturday
7. Sunday
8. Someday
The elusive “someday”; the I’ll get to it some other day. As I revisited the wheel of life last week and compared it to the other wheels of life I have done, I noticed I had put off the same thing each year.
I found myself saying, “Someday I’ll get to jumping out of plane, or spend more time with my daughter riding horses, or Mark has always wanted to get a tandem bike and ride together, but we’ll do that when the kids get a little older.” Well that day keeps getting put off to the 8th day of the week; Someday.
We fool ourselves into thinking that we’ll get to it. What are your “someday” thoughts to achieving your “someday” goals? Whether these “someday” thoughts are obstacles (big or small) is up to you. Here are some suggestions to turn your “someday” dreams into achievable goals.
- Decide if this “someday” dream, passion or goal is REALLY important. Or is it a “should-do” goal? If it is really important to you do the following.
- Take your “someday” thoughts that have turned into obstacles and create goals.
Example: “Someday I’ll get to ski diving but the fact is I’m just too old. I might get hurt”.
Instead, I turn this thought into a goal of: I will research ski diving companies and talk to them about safety. See how taking “someday” thoughts or obstacle and turn it into can action step. - Create an extra hour a week to make your “someday” idea a reality. What would that be like? Obstacles are meant to go around, over, under or completely remove them. Don't let the obstacles stop you in your tracks! Schedule time into your day to achieve your dream or goal.
- It’s NOW or never, not “someday”. Don’t miss out on something great because you let your someday thoughts become obstacles! Be fully present in today so you don't miss those powerful and amazing opportunities God gives you to live fully!!
- Let me help you make that “someday” goal or dream of yours a reality. I would love to coach and encourage you to do just that! Give me a call and set up an appointment for your personalized coaching session just for you. I look forward to hearing from you; call me at 605.342.0478
Labels: dreams, help, inatm, it's not about the mo'ney, life coaching
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