Oh, Wise one

The mentor replied, “If you need to know one thing about leadership it is; you need to know MORE than one thing about being a great leader”.
The point is.. developing powerful teams and skilled leaders is a process. Great leaders and team members are life-long learners. Devote yourself to learning!
In the next few weeks I will be addressing how to develop leaders around you. Last week I identified that we are all leaders in one way or another so why not grow and expand on the strengths of a great leader?
John Maxwell in his book, Developing the Leaders Around You states that the primary responsibility of a great leader is to identify potential leaders. Having an eye or the ability to recognize the potential in someone to be a great leader is important and sometimes difficult.
Look for the positive qualities, skills and attitudes in those around you. Like gold mining; there is a lot of dirt but if you keep digging you’ll find the gold! Look for the gold, not the dirt, look for the positive not the negative and build upon their strengths.
Most successful people do not start out that way. They are nurtured, trained and equipped to become great leaders.
My challenge to you this week is to identify one positive attribute or skill of a colleague, coworker, friend or family member and tell them about what you admire about them. Watch their confidence and attitude improve as well as their contribution to the team, family or goal.
Next ezine we’ll address selecting the right player for your team until then..
Fully ALive,
Laura Longville