Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

Labels: age activated attendtion defici disorder, humor, it's not about the money, Laura Longville, unorganized
It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!
Labels: age activated attendtion defici disorder, humor, it's not about the money, Laura Longville, unorganized
Try this out in your own life. Focus on what your opportunities are while waiting in traffic and know you’re going to be late for your next appointment. Ask yourself, “How could I prepare for this meeting I’m going into, or “Is there a CD I could listen to” or even, “Thanks God for these few minutes of quiet time with you. You must of known I needed it”.
Notice how this type of thinking is much more empowering and easy. It may take some practice but be intentional about changing your thoughts to ABT. I would love to hear your stories of how ABT is changing your life. Click here to add your personal story.
Labels: asset based thinking, change your thoughts, it's not about the money, little voice management