It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pursuing Passion

By Laura Longville

Passion without Purpose is meaningless” Richard Chang

At its core, passion is a powerful underlying emotion that energizes and drives us. Richard Change describes passion as personal intensity. “If you have passion for something, it strikes a chord in you; it heightens your awareness, engages your attention and kindles excitement.” Passion can include being full of compelling emotions.

Passion empowers ordinary people to make great things happen! What drives you to do extraordinary things? Most often it has nothing to do with ability, but more about a xeal and enthusiasm for something. Without inner passion, your life may feel dull. Maybe passion is what you are missing.

Here’s how to find your passion:
1. Ask someone who knows you well to identify your passions.
2. Think of times when you felt exuberant and thrilled with life.
3. If you had no limitations in terms of money or time, what would you like to do?
4. For many of us, without the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit, their isn’t much purpose or passion in life. You can ask God to reveal your passions; He loves to answer your prayers!!

If passion and purpose excite you please download my e-book called Ignite Your Dreams with Passion and Purpose by visiting This free book will walk you step by step into living fully alive , being who you are created to be and doing what you really want to do! Make 2007 passionate and fulfilling.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

2007 Person of the Year: YOU

Time magazine picks a person of the year. Well they picked you and me based on the idea that the new Web is joining people together like never before in history. The World Wide Web brings people together that would not normally be a part of one another’s lives. We can learn from someone across the country, share our opinions and thoughts with the person down the street (without having to actually talk to them) and contribute ideas, make suggestions or offer hope to a person clear across the world that we have never met.

What a fabulous opportunity to positively impact each others lives You and I can change and contribute to each other: to make the world a better place. Be the Person of the Year in 2007. Let it be your year to shine.

I have a life-changing program that will help you:

  • live with ease
  • live on purpose
  • live with a direction
  • live fully alive

Click here for more information about the Fully Alive Monthly Coaching Program

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Darkness: A time for Rejuvenation

I love the change of seasons! Living in South Dakota allows me to experience all of the seasons. My favorite time of year is the Fall and then Winter. Winter can be a time where we turn inward for reflection. It can be a time for hope, promise and rejuvenation. There is opportunity for miraculous and magical changes when we can embrace the darkness.

Winter and the darkness may represent depression, sadness or make many feel uneasy. Our American culture, fast paced as it is doesn’t know what to do with down time or darkness.

Remember way back when the planets and stars were made out of what appeared to be nothing, darkness. Now that was spectacular and what a mystery? Imagine if you took some “dark” time and created a sanctuary to turn inward. Take time to slow down, rest and listen to God. God has great plans for you this year. Jeremiah 29:11-13. He would like nothing better than to give you the desires of your heart!

You can design this time alone anyway you like. Create some time whether it is 1 hour or 5 days to enter into your sanctuary of renewal.

Creating a sanctuary for yourself can help you:

  • Feel refreshed and invigorated
  • Reconnect with you and others in a deeper and more intimate way
  • Gain clarity and direction for the year to come and
  • Create actions steps for success

Accept nature’s way of being; winter is for slowing down and transformation. Join a special group of like-minded people who desire to do the same. Click here ( ) for more information.

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