Which “Season of Change” are you in?

Life is full of transitions, including seasons of the year. As August comes to an end, I begin to think about my kids going back to school and the season of Fall. “Seasons of Change” are imminent in many areas of our lives.
These “seasons of change” come to us in many ways. Such as:
Wellness Changes: diet needs, illness recovery, stress, injury, sexuality, exercise etc.
Life-Cycle Changes: birth, death, working, marriage, parenting, aging, retirement, etc.
Private/Personal Changes: vision, purpose, skills, identity, priorities, clarity/focus. etc.
Career Related Changes: promoted, new office, travel, change in career or responsibilities, fired, dissatisfaction, work location etc.
Go ahead and circle the changes that you are experiencing now in your life. As you look at those changes ask yourself these questions:
1. Are your transitions linked to each other or independent of each other?
2. Are some of your transitions a ripple effect of an earlier transition?
3. Which transition is impacting you the most right now?
Many times the shifts, movements and modifications of life are interwoven into the fabric of our being. It can be difficult to make the necessary adjustments or change can create a new passion for what’s next. Either way, just viewing change from a different angle can offer hope and solutions.
Life coaching is 100% about helping people through change. You don’t have to do it alone. In fact, most of my clients say they wish they would have participated in coaching earlier.
If your ready to take the next step and look at your “Seasons of Change” differently, give me a call at 605 342-0478 or email me at lauralongville@inatm.com. I have many options that can assist you to achieve your goals.
Click here for one empowering and exciting option http://www.inatm.com/coaching_individual.htm
Information came from The Seasons of Change by Carol McClelland PhD.