It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Secret Keys to Abundance and Prosperity-Key #1 Honesty

Secret Key #1 Honesty
by Laura Longville

There is something about being totally honest. If we want to experience freedom, abundance, joy and love, we need to thoroughly search inward. We need an accurate picture of where we are today, right now in this moment if we want a rewarding and fruitful life.

Life gets really busy in doing good things AND we get distracted from our goals and dreams; the things that are important and meaningful to us. Before we know it,life is happening to us. If you do life from automatic pilot, you know what I’m talking about.

If you long to have your life be yours and live on purpose, get honest with yourself. Allow your heart (your motives, dreams, goals and feelings) to be searched by God, others and yourself. This kind of honesty can only lead you to serenity, hope, gratitude and clear direction in your life. Honesty is the first Key that will open your heart to all that God has for you!

Here are some ways you can do this.
1.Get quiet with yourself. Stop long enough to listen to God; listen to your heart.
2.Set aside your own agenda and ideas. Let go.
3.Pray this prayer-
"Search me, God, and know my heart, test my thoughts. Point out anything you find in me that makes you sad" Psalm 139:23-24
4. Listen. Openly listen. Pay attention to what you hear. Take notes.
5. Wait for clear direction on what to do next; if anything.

Next week Secret Key #2 Identity

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

A few years ago, FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act) was passed offering free access to one’s credit report [once per year per agency]. Unfortunately, free credit scores have not followed. A credit score is viewed by many in the financial world in the same light that a GPA is viewed by many in the academic world (the usefulness of both those numbers are widely debated, but we’ll save that debate for another day).

Recently, VISA launched a new website targeted to college students and young adults called What’s my Score ( The financial resource is designed to help individuals understand credit reports and scores, and take control of their financial futures. “Money Guides” are available, covering topics from saving for college, student loans, renting an apartment, and buying a car. You may find their information helpful (others may be a little cynical due to the source); regardless, part of the site launch was a deal struck with Fair Isaac (the company that created the most widely used credit score – the FICO score) to provide free credit scores to the first 5,000 students wanting to check their credit score. To receive the free score, go to the site above, or click to walk through a 15 minute tutorial/quiz on credit basics, credit cards, and building credit. Once that is completed, you’ll be given a code and link to which you can use to order the score [that will be free by using the code]. The following link will walk you through the process of ordering your score after getting your code.

After getting your score, you can “break the code” at: In addition, past financial tips as well as the OFS website provide additional credit resources. MyFico is one of the best resources on the web for credit scoring. E-loan was the first site to offer access to your credit score for free, but it does require that you create a log-in [provide some personal info] to get it [and you can only do it once]. A free score estimator is also available at the What's my Score site.

The truth is, credit scores are no longer the big mystery many make them out to be [although it wasn’t long ago that they were]. I’ll write next week more about what credit scoring is in a follow up to this tip … after all, here at MU, we’re on spring break!

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