It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Financial Football

Sometimes 'educational' equals fun'
By Jason Alderman
Sometimes the easiest way to interest your children in something is to turn it into a game - whether it's getting a toddler to eat breakfast or entertaining a carload of third-graders. But when the topic is even remotely "educational," you may face additional hurdles.

It's no secret that when kids are interested in a subject, they'll pay more attention and probably learn more. So why not look for creative ways to engage your children in activities you can do together that will have long-term payoffs - like teaching them how to manage their money and invest in their future?
Here are a couple of suggestions for engaging your kids in activities that are fun, safe and instructive.

Educational fun and games for younger kids. Many family friendly Web sites feature interactive games, projects and brainteasers for children of all ages. Some are activities designed for parents and kids to do together; others are things they can safely do by themselves. You'll find suggestions for ways kids can earn an allowance, online resources to help with homework, word games, suggested reading lists and much more. Check out the American Library Association's list of safe, appropriate Web sites (

Tap into sports mania. If your kids go wild for sports, visit Practical Money Skills for Life, a free personal financial management site sponsored by Visa USA. It features an online computer game for teenagers called "Financial Football," which Visa developed with the cooperation of the National Football League.

Financial Football combines the structure and rules of the NFL with financial education questions of varying difficulty. Playing against the clock, teams gain yards and score points for answering questions correctly, and lose yardage for wrong answers. You can play Financial Football with your kids one-on-one or by forming teams. See how you do on these teasers:

1. Why is a dollar called a buck? (a) first U.S. currency had a picture of a deer (b) named after Buck Linser, first Secretary of the Treasury (c) pioneers used deerskins for currency (d) "bucked" the trend of using metal currency
2. The highest loan rates usually come from a: (a) bank (b) pawnshop (c) credit card company (d) credit union
3. What's the easiest way to fix a budget where income is less than spending? (a) reduce spending (b) increase income (c) reduce taxes (d) increase interest
4. The riskiest investment would be: (a) savings account (b) U.S. Treasury bonds (c) corporate stocks (d) corporate bonds
5. Who is NOT allowed access to your credit report? (a) potential landlord (b) your employer (c) financial institutions (d) your relatives
6. Which is true about bankruptcy? (a) stays on your credit report for 10 years (b) gets rid of all debts (c) protects property bankruptcy by hiding or giving it away (d) all taxes are discharged when you file
7. Most negative information can stay on a credit report for: (a) 0-5 years (b) 7-10 years (c) 15-20 years (d) until you retire
8. Take the time to get involved in educating your children: You might even learn a thing or two. Speaking of which, here are the correct quiz answers: 1(c), 2(b), 3(a), 4(c), 5(d), 6(a), 7(b).
Bet you didn't know about the deerskins.

Jason Alderman directs the Practical Money Skills for Life program for Visa USA. More budgeting and personal finance tips can be found at As always, consult a financial professional regarding your particular situation.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

Enjoy this article, and if you recognize anyone you know, consider giving them the gift of coaching!

"I just wanted to let everyone know that I have recently been diagnosed with Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder (AAADD).

Symptoms: This is how it goes... I decide to do the laundry, start down the hall and notice the newspaper on the table. OK, I'm going to do the laundry...

BUT FIRST I'm going to read the newspaper. After that, I notice the mail on the table... OK, I'll just put the newspaper in the recycle stack....

BUT FIRST I'll look through the mail and see if there are any bills to be paid. Yes.

Now where is the checkbook? Oops... There's the empty glass from yesterday on the coffee table. I'm going to look for that checkbook...

BUT FIRST I need to put the glass in the sink. I head for the kitchen, look out the window, notice my poor flowers need a drink of water. I put the glass in the sink and there's the remote for the TV on the kitchen counter. What's it doing here? I'll just put it away...

BUT FIRST I need to water those plants. I head for the door and... Aaaagh! I stepped on the cat.

Cat needs to be fed. Okay, I'll put the remote away and water the plants... BUT FIRST I need to feed the cat.

END OF DAY: Laundry is not done, newspapers are still on the floor, glass is still in the sink, bills are not paid, checkbook is still lost, and the cat ate the remote control. And, when I try to figure out how come nothing got done today, I'm baffled! Because... I KNOW I WAS BUSY ALL DAY! I realize this condition is serious.... I'll get help...

BUT FIRST...I need to check my e-mail...."