1+1 can= FIVE!
Living a “1+1=5” way of life is an equation that really adds up! When you include more than one person, group, entity or idea together, something powerful happens. By joining superior resources and outstanding people, so much more is attainable. This is the inspiration behind combining the expertise of a financial planner with an interior financial coach.
As stated previously, recognizing your money beliefs can greatly impact your financial decisions. Knowing these beliefs helps you make conscious decisions about how to use money to assist you toward your dreams and goals.
Up until recently, a traditional financial planner would help people focus on the exterior knowledge or the technical information about money in the following ways;
1. Help people make efficient financial decisions and keep their financial affairs in order
2. Create and organize a diversified portfolio
3. Develop a lifestyle for saving, retirement plans and investments.
At this time, people hire an Interior Financial Coach to:
• Assist you to go beyond what you would do for yourself
• Turn potential into reality
• Have clarity regarding financial decisions
• Consciously and clearly understand your relationship with money
When a financial planner and interior financial coach work together, the most valuable contributions provided are as follows:
• We coach people to make high-quality financial decisions according to what is important in their life
• We ensure financial resources necessary to support their priorities
• We create sound thinking about finances, which will free them to set achievable goals
• We greatly speeds up the benefits of financial planning
• We make the financial planning process more effective
• We add years to your emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being
Financial integration, having the conscious interior awareness of why you think, feel and behave a certain way around money, in combination with sound exterior knowledge, provided by a financial planner, may be the most important step that can significantly change your life.
As an Interior Financial Coach I can coordinate and work closely with your planner or advisor to help you meet your financial goals and life’s dreams. Interior financial coaching does not require that a client have a financial planning team. You may benefit from this experience no matter where you are in life.
VISIT www.inatm.com for more top quality coaching opportunities to get you started living financially integrated!