It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Where is your mind.....set?

An essential supposition for moving through change is recognizing your thoughts, perceptions and mindset. You may ask, what is a mindset? It is your deliberate way of habitually thinking, feeling and responding.

When you are in a shift, adjustment or change of some kind, notice where your mind is focused. Ask yourself the following questions; note each highlighted word. Which question prompts you to relocate where your mind is set?

  1. Where is your mind…..set? Are you aware of where your mind is? Observe your thought life.
  2. Where is your mind…..set? Once you notice where your mind is, link your awareness to you. Realize the relationship with what you think about and how you perceive you and the world will determine where your mindset is.
  3. Where is your mind…..set? Each of you has your own unique way of thinking which has been influenced by many factors. Your family, culture, friends, society and religion all influence how your mind sets on different topics, emotions and actions.
  4. Where is your mind…..set? Your mind is your memory, your intentions, opinion, view, the part of you that thinks, feels, wills and reasons.
  5. Where is your mind…..set? Where does your mind settle, where you place your mind. One definition of set states: to become fast or rigid, to have specific direction.

Your mindset is likely to dominate your ability to move through change. When you notice, make distinctions and can live with the fact you see a situation a certain way and recognize that there are other ways of observing (your mindset) the change, then you are ready to make a transformational shift.

Does your mindset serve you? One way to find out is ask your family members, friends, colleagues and God. They see things in you that you may not be able to see in yourself.

In Romans 8:5-8, Paul states, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” The Message Bible states the following, “Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life.” That is encouraging and exciting to know! A new mindset, realizing you have choices.

The Lord can reveal those mindsets that no longer serve you or Him. Setting your mind on Him, asking him to show you His mindset will enable you to create and develop new ways of being in your circumstances of change. I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about where your mind set is. See comment link below.
"It’s not the events of our lives that shape us,
but our beliefs as to what those events mean.”
Tony Robbins

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Laura Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Change is upon us!!
I bet if I took a poll right now, 80% of you would state that you are in some kind of transition or in a time of change. There are many things that are changing around you such as aging, change in careers, divorce, marriage, death, birth, natural disasters, along with the unveiling and ending of a each day.

Most of you have a strong opinion or view concerning change. For some of you, change is comfortable or exciting and you may even transition proactively and consciously. For others, you procrastinate, hesitate and even fight change. Fear may even dominate your thoughts.

Let’s look to nature, as she provides us with a reflection of change that is predictable; we can count on change and transformations happening. The seasons appear differently each year but are identified on our calendars, the animals know change is coming and they automatically make the necessary adaptations.

If we as humans could receive change like nature, there could be a new way to travel through the modifications that need to take place. Understanding the kind of change that is occurring can aid in this adjustment.

Ask yourself the following questions to identify what kind of change you may be going through.
1) Did you initiate the change or is it being forced upon you?
2) Did you anticipate the change or did it emerge unexpectedly?
3) Does it feel like a “good” or “bad” change?
“Good” change could mean something good will be gained
“Bad” change feels like you may be losing something

No matter what kind of changes you are in, there is hope. Two factors that can support you through your transition are 1) Find someone who can encourage and support you, such as a friend, life coach or therapist and 2) Notice your perceptions or attitude about change and begin to modify them.

Taking these two essential steps, head you toward change where there are possibilities of a new set of assumptions or mindsets, choices and goals. Acceptance of the transition will allow you to ease into the unknown. Join Mother Nature in her natural capacity to transform.

Life is not a problem to be solved
but a reality to be experienced.
~Soren Kierkegaard