It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Secret Keys to Abundance and Prosperity

Secret Key #2 Identity
Secret key #1 suggests honesty as the foundation to abundance and prosperity.
The key of honesty opens your treasure chest full of things that are precious to you. Another key that leads to a fulfilling life is the secret key of identity.

Having a solid understanding of who you are and why you are here is vital. Many people try to determine who they are by what they do. Thinking that if they “do” great things; they are someone important. Eventually, “doing” great things becomes empty if there isn’t a knowing that you are more than OK even if you don’t do all those things.

The Secret Key of Identity and knowing who you are in Gods eyes will provide you with more than enough; creating abundance and prosperity. God is the one who provides all you need. God sees you as his precious son or daughter (2Corinthians 5:17), you are in his family (1John 3:1). You are beautiful (John 13:5,8) and he has no ill thoughts about you.

There are many ways that your identity falls to pieces or crumbles. Our society tells you to look a certain way, have a certain amount of money, have power and prestige….. in order to be considered valuable. Those close to you also give you messages about who you should be in order to get acceptance and love from them. Your emotions and thoughts chatter at you about how defective and unworthy you are. All of these perspectives can tear you down and make you feel not good enough.

Turn to the one who created you. As your creator he designed you perfectly just the way you are. Know your true identity as a child of God. Knowing this, accepting who you are because god says you’re that way will give you the greatest feeling of being complete and fulfilled with God at the center of your life. He has so much more to give you than you could ever imagine. Won’t you let him be your abundance and prosperity?

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