Dancing Leaves of Fall
Guest Writer-Carol McClelland, PhD
Fall is my favorite time of year. It's a time where I settle back into myself and slow down. I gather my thoughts, feelings and dreams and begin to rest. Carol, our guest writer has a beautiful way of describing how I feel about Fall. Hope you enjoy.
As our experience of Fall deepens, our letting go process intensifies.One year ago, I was lucky enough to spend some time at a colleague's home in the woods of New England. Although the fall foliage was past its colorful prime, the trees still held a magical lesson for me.
As I watched the trees, they periodically released their leaves. Each taking its own journey of release. At no time did I see a leaf actually plunk onto the ground. As the leaves let go, there was always a beautiful dance, a bit of grace, and a soft landing. Leaves falling represent beliefs we hold about ourselves and our situations.
Leaves changing color represent the time after a shift in our lives when our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves begin to change rather rapidly. Really the only thing to do at this stage of the game is to take notice and marvel at the changes.Then later, as the leaves begin to fall, we release and let go of the old, outdated beliefs and attitudes we've been holding.
For most people, letting go of their beliefs about themselves feels as though they are being forced to let go of themselves. As your world changes around you, remember you are not being asked to cut down your tree, but rather to release those beliefs.
That are no longer serving you
That are no longer valid given the changes in your life.
That will, if still in place when Spring arrives, prevent new growth.
As you begin this letting go process, follow the path each leaf/belief as you release it.It is typically not a free fall straight into the hard earth as we often fear. Allow the grace of the wind and the air currents around you to take your old beliefs and gently deposit them on theeartht worry about taxing the earth as you release outdated bits, it knows just what to do with old leaves...it recycles them into nutrients for future growth.
Take some time to sit under a tree and watch the leaves do their fall dance!
This article is copyright by Carol McClelland, Ph.D. of Transition Dynamics Enterprises, Inc. Carol's website provides hope, insight and a sense of direction to people in the midst of a life transition or a career change.
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