It's Not (just) About the Money

It's Not (just) About the Money is a dynamic coaching program. Our passion is to help you live from your heart; to thrive and live abundantly!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The way out, is the way in

Recently, I traveled to China. Throughout my layovers and flights, many people asked me about my occupation. For those who showed interest by asking additional questions, I gave a longer explanation of what I am passionate about. Each time I talk about life coaching I am more and more energized about what I do.

Some of you may be asking, “What is it that Laura does?"

To put it simply, I coach people to have a vital healthy relationship with money so they can live abundant lives. Money impacts every area of our life, whether we are aware of it or not.

The Way In

Typically, people peak through one of three windows when seeking coaching with me. Window number one is, “The Tools”. There are many available resources and opportunities to learn how to budget, invest, plan, etc. People peer through this window when they know they need to do something such as have a budget or invest. Often times, people feel pressure to comply with budgets or investment plans because it is the “right thing to do.”

As a result, so often these budgets or investment plans fail for many reasons. They may not have a system that works for them or beliefs or emotions get in the way of them following through with what they know they need to do.

You can visit the web site and listen to a 15 minute interview about this very topic at

This leads to window number two, “The Traps”. There are so many different things we tell ourselves and we experience the feelings or beliefs about money that get in the way of doing what we know we need to do or want to do. These thought patterns or “tales” told to ourselves and the emotions that start developing in our childhood and are affected by our families, society, culture, schools, media etc.

When we are not conscious of what our beliefs are about money or can’t identify our feelings associated with money, most often our behavior gives us signals about what’s going on.

People who enter into coaching with me through this window usually have painful symptoms in their life: major debt, loss of job, divorce, family problems, etc. Clients experience freedom to make healthy choices in their lives when, through a process, I help them discover what their belief systems are around money and where they come from. If people become “stuck” in this process, therapy may be needed to really heal painful experiences around what money represents. I can confidently counsel people in this place with a background of over 20 years of therapist experience.

Window number three is, “The Trip”. This is where people begin to design their futures and then take off and soar! People who enter into coaching through this window are asking questions like, “I wonder what’s next for me? What do I really, really want?” and they begin to say to things like, “I know there’s more to life than this!”

Sometimes this process is called, Life Planning. It’s an empowering and compelling phase. The client is the creator of the next phase in his/her life. This phase allows for the collaboration of the other two windows; recognizing how your past has impacted you in combination with the knowledge and how to’s of money management and investing. This powerful combination of all three windows creates a beautiful future full of abundance, freedom and fulfillment.

The Way Out

I have designed services and products to address all three windows. In window number 1 I collaborate and make referrals to several professional financial planners and accountants who are experts in their fields. Visit my web site for budgeting ideas, articles and this newsletter that provides helpful hints. Inside each ezine I have guest authors, who are experts in their field, holistically addressing all your financial needs.

Window number 2 resources include:
• A workshop specifically addressing the painful feelings and beliefs about money. (Typically this workshop is in late winter or early spring of each year.)
• I also offer free introductory teleclasses that help you begin to uncover your hidden money beliefs.
• I meet with people individually and give my undivided attention to addressing their unique interferences.
• Coming soon is a 4-part CD series for couples. This CD series helps couples identify how their money beliefs impact their relationship and provides them with tools to change. Look for this CD series to be released in early fall of 2006.

Window number 3 options include individual coaching as well as my Fully Alive workshop or coaching program. These 3 options are for people READY to move forward in their life and are passionate about doing so. See this link for upcoming programs at

Which window do you need to peer through?


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