Are you in a Rut or Routine?

Yet, sometimes we get stuck in routine that becomes a rut. Like the rut in the road that just sucks you in and it’s hard to get out. Sometimes we’re aware of how we are slowly and mindlessly moving towards that familiar rut. Other times we just seem to get pulled into the rut without our permission. It can be difficult to get out of the rut no matter what.
Here are a few mindful suggestions to keep you conscious about your routine or rut.
1. Be aware of what you’re doing each day. Does your routine or rut move you closer to your dreams and goals?
2. Do you have an action plan for success? Do you have short term and long term goals and dreams? How are you going to reach them?
3. What kind of support and assistance do you have to help you achieve those things that are important in your life? Do you have a coach, mentor or encourager?
Don’t let your mindless and lack of consciousness keep you from your desires. “God never aborts a dream. It's us who aborts. God never gives up on the dream because the seed is in you.” Anonymous. Create your life full of purpose, meaning and significance. We have several opportunities to coach you in living fully alive. Visit the “Offerings” tab on our home page for more information.
Labels: change, consciousness, hope, plan, routine, schedule, success
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